Are you concerned that a woman you know may be a victim of violence? Showing kindness, asking questions and listening without judging can make a difference.

Who is the abused woman?
The abused woman does not correspond to a typical profile. She may be:
- your daughter;
- your sister;
- your aunt;
- your friend;
- your neighbour; or
- your colleague at work.

Why doesn’t she talk about it?
Women suffering from violence are discreet and don’t want to reveal it because they fear:
- being judged;
- not being believed;
- jeopardising her safety and that of her children.

How to help?
Male intimate partner violence is everyone’s problem. If you believe that a woman you know is a victim of intimate partner violence:
- open the discussion in a caring way;
- ask questions;
- listen to what she has to say without judgement. Listening sensitively can make all the difference and save lives.
Are you worried about a friend or relative? Do not hesitate to contact us.